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红足1世足球网址大全举办“Metogenomics, Methanogenesis and hydrogenotrophy in ruminant livestock”学术报告的通知 

       发布日期:2015-10-14     浏览次数:



报告题目:  Metogenomics, Methanogenesis and hydrogenotrophy in ruminant livestock


报 告 人: Christopher. S. McSweeneyCSIRO Livestock Industries


报告时间: 2010926日上午08:20-09:50


 报告地点: 红足1世足球网址大全二楼会议室(4236



Dr Chris McSweeney is a Senior Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO Livestock Industries based at the Queensland Bioscience Precinct, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.He is Stream Leader for the Enhanced Gut Function and Health research group.The Enhanced Gut Function and Health research stream aims to transform gut microbes to produce healthy, safe animal products, while minimising the impact on the environment.Dr     McSweeney’s expertise is in:nutritional toxicologygut microbial ecologylivestockfood safety.


Dr McSweeney joined CSIRO in 1983 as an experimental scientist in the Tropical Animal Production’s nutrition group based in Townsville in northern Queensland.This group researched the major nutritional problems faced by the northern Australian cattle industry including:mineral and nitrogen deficienciesindigestibility of plant fibrepoor reproductive performance of cowstoxic plant compounds.


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